Latvia joined the European Union in 2004, meaning that Latvia is part of a supranational union with its own specific rights and obligations, having a significant change in its own legal system as Member State of the union. EU LAW FIRM will help the client to find an appropriate solution to the legal problem, in accordance with European Union law and rights granted to the client by the EU.
EU LAW FIRM offers legal advice and assistance in connection with European Union law.
Latvia joined the European Union in 2004, meaning that Latvia is part of a supranational union with its rights.
European Union law includes a number of individual rights for individuals and legal persons that are directly enforceable in courts, both horizontally (between individuals) and vertically (between the individual and the State).
EU LAW FIRM's lawyers specialise in a wide range of EU law sectors, which will help the client to choose the individual and correct resolution of the problem.
To find out your EU law rights and seek legal aid from qualified lawyers, contact EU LAW FIRM lawyers-